
Aromatherapy & Astrology


Assignment of planets and zodiac signs according to active substances or active substance categories of essential oils

In Cooperation

created by:

Susanne Cerncic (Astrology)
Certified Astrologer, Certified Astromaster®, Owner of Astrological School and Counseling Practice, Certified Psychological Life and Social Counselor
Mag.a Ingrid Karner, MSc MEd (Aromatherapy)
Certified Aroma Practitioner, Certified Herbal Practitioner, Lecturer for Aroma Care and Medical Aromatherapy as well as Commercial Aroma Practice, Book Author (“The Power of the Most Valuable Plant Oil” – in german)


There is literature in which the assignment of plants to the various planets and signs of the zodiac can be read. These assignments are based, among other things, also on the morphological criteria and are not always conclusive when they are transferred from the whole plant 1:1 to the essential oil.


Herbs produce different active ingredients and compositions of active ingredients depending on their location and climatic conditions. When these plants are distilled, the resulting essential oils vary greatly in fragrance and application. These variations are labeled on the essential oil vial as “chemotypes.” The plant name alone would not be sufficient to identify which uses and precautions to take, since we are talking about the same plant species (and not a different variety). For example, we distinguish a

mild Thymus vulgaris, which has no known undesirable side effects in the aromatherapeutic context = chemotype linalool, thujanol or geraniol and   

pungent Thymus vulgaris, the use of which in an aromatherapeutic context in asthma, respiratory diseases, direct application to the skin or mucous membranes, during pregnancy and in infants and children requires caution = chemotype thymol or carvacrol.  

It is therefore obvious that these two chemotypes not only have different areas of application in aroma care or aromatherapy, but also embody different principles when used holistically.

Alchemy & Astrology

Alchemy (the study of substance properties and their reactions) is understood as an ancient branch of natural philosophy and is conceptually separated from modern chemistry or pharmacology (cf. Hübner). The distillation and extraction processes were originally alchemical separation processes for the extraction of certain substances. Even today, these production methods are common in modern pharmacy and agriculture.

The alchemists from past times also often involved astrology. Much knowledge from this field has been lost, deliberately destroyed or refuted over the centuries.

Magical Astrology & Fascination of the Ethereal

In our scientifically oriented world, people are again increasingly longing for traditionally produced products and applications (e.g. Demeter cultivation), even if they cannot, only partially or not yet at all be proven with contemporary research methods.

It is perhaps the magic of the intangible or incomprehensible (to which the “ethereal” = “volatile” belongs) that exerts this fascination on us humans, so that in recent times the demand for these things is increasing again.

In the Duden the meanings of the word “ethereal” can be read and are translated as: heavenly, (gossamer) delicate and spiritualized (cf. Duden).

Depending on the author and interpretation, the assignments of plants to planetary qualities do not always agree. Thus, there will also be different views and arguments that question the assignments we have created. Nevertheless, we have combined the know-how and experience of 20 years of professional astrology and aromatherapy to arrive at these results.

Biochemistry meets Astrology

For the first time, the biochemical mode of action of the volatile active substances of essential oils was contrasted with the qualities of the planets and signs of the zodiac. It was tried to find and show similarities between groups of substances and planets or signs of the zodiac. The active substances indicated in each case are to act supportively for the respective sign, if it is not sufficiently lived.


Would you like to learn more about the biochemistry of natural oils? Then our eLearning course “The Biochemistry of Essential Oils” is the right choice for you: register here*

The Assignment


Planet: Mars
Qualities: drive, aggression, assertiveness, decisiveness, activity, fire, fight, sport
Body: head, muscles, teeth
Active ingredients: phenols, monoterpene ketones
Essential oils: camphor, rosemary ct. Borneon, Cinnamon, Clove, Mountain Savory, Thyme ct. Thymol, Oregano, Tulsi, Cumin


Planet: Venus
Qualities: coziness, enjoyment, possession, stubbornness, inertia, constancy, need for security, detachment.
Body: thyroid gland, throat, tonsils, the 5 senses
Active ingredients: linalool, thujanol, terpineol-4
Essential oils: ho leaves, thyme ct. Linalool, Thyme ct. Thujanol, coriander seeds, neroli, marjoram, tea tree


Planet: Mercury
Qualities: knowledge, cleverness, rhetoric, sincerity, communication, logic, ability to learn, gestures, facial expressions.
Body: nervous system, respiratory system – lungs, bronchi, arms, shoulders
Active ingredients: pinene, terpinene
Essential oils: pine, stone pine, cypress, Douglas fir, juniper berries


Planet: Moon
Qualities: the female energy, feelings, emotions, needs, the unconscious, mother-child relationships, instinct
Body: stomach, female organs, uterus, lymph, pancreas
Active ingredients: monoterpene esters
Essential oils: clary sage, petit grain, chamomile roman, myrtle ct. Myrtle acetate, lavender, myrtle ct. Myrtle acetate, Immortelle


Planet: Sun
Qualities: the masculine energy, the will, self-confidence, fun, vitality, life force, self-realization
Body: heart, circulation
Active ingredients: monoterpene aldehydes
Essential oils: lemon balm, eucalyptus citriodora, lemongrass, verbena, citronella


Planet: Mercury
Qualities: Perceptiveness and observational skills, accuracy, analysis, purification, prudence.
Body: digestion, immune system, bile
Active ingredients: sesquiterpenols & sesquiterpene ketones
Essential Oils: Iris, Vetiver, Sandalwood, Jasmine.



Planet: Venus
Qualities: Aesthetics, harmony, ability to partner, diplomacy.
Body: Kidney
Active ingredients: Geraniol, Citronellol
Essential oils: rose, rose geranium, palmarosa


Planet: Pluto
Qualities: the hidden, assertiveness, doggedness, conflict, sensitivity, sex drive, regenerative power, fixity, crises
Body: excretory organs, prostate, anus, genetics, sexual organs
Active ingredients: phenyl ether
Essential oils: basil ct. Methylchavicol, Tarragon, Fennel sweet


Planet: Jupiter
Qualities: broadening horizons, expansion, morals, ethics, philosophies of life, meaning of life.
Body: liver, hips
Active ingredients: Oxides
Essential oils: Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus radiata, Speiclave, Laurel, Niaouli, Cajeput, Ravintsara, Rosemary ct. Cineol, Myrtle ct. Cineol


Planet: Saturn
Qualities: Perseverance, sense of responsibility, commitments, ambition, effort, rules, education, guilt
Body: spine, knees, bones
Active ingredients: menthol, menthone, thujone
Essential oils: field mint, peppermint, thuja, sage


Planet: Uranus
Qualities: cognition, freedom, equality, puberty, individuality, shock,
” aha experiences”, reflexes
Body: calves, ankles, autonomic nervous system
Active ingredients: Limonene
Essential oils: lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, orange, bergamot, lim


Planet: Neptune
Qualities: Primal trust, spirituality, high sensitivity, helpfulness, social behavior, loss of reality, empathy, addiction, sacrifice, anonymity, depression, intuition.
Body: feet, psyche
Active ingredients: sesquiterpenes
Essential oils: Atlas cedar, patchouli, chamomile german, yarrow, nard, pepper black, myrrh, ylang ylang. Manuka

Literature Sources

(The links marked with * are advertising for our own products, trainings or services).

Bildquellen: Biochemie-Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash, Planeten-Photo by Julia Dreams on Canva Pro